This programmer looks like it is a FAKE/COPY unit from China. It is not an official product made by our ODM partner.
As mentioned, once a fake/copy unit is detected by the latest software, IT IS PERMANENTLY DISABLED AND CANNOT BE RECOVERED/REPAIRED.
We will not support or repair this FAKE/COPY product. (We will not "re-his life" as you put it).
We are however happy to accept this FAKE/COPY unit as a trade in.
You can "trade in" your old programmer (regardless of brand or condition) and get a discount off the price of a new programmer.
By taking advantage of this trade in program, you would be able to recoup some of the money spent on your existing system whilst still getting all the benefits of a new official Dataman programmer.
If this is of interest to you, please contact me directly using
neil@dataman.com and we can discuss the details further.
Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers